Do you feel like you're in a constant battle to beat draughts that crawl into your chimney, under your door, and into your mailbox? The good news is that it's easier than you think to design a house with a letterbox with draught excluder.
How do draught excluders for letterbox work?
The letterbox format is often overlooked as a big problem, but when it comes to draughts, every little bit helps if you keep a close eye on your utility bills. Like an open window, an open mailbox works by letting warm air out and cool air in. However, a draught-resistant mailbox with thick Letterbox Brush strips acts as a barrier against draughts, wind, and rain. This prevents hot air from escaping.
What are the benefits of installing a draught excluder letterbox?
Energy saving- Installing a mailbox with draught exclusion in your home is an environmentally friendly way to save money. How? Because by preventing warm air from escaping and preventing cold air from entering, your heating system doesn't have to work as hard to reach the temperature you want.
Home Comfort- Best of all, the insulated letter is designed to make your home more comfortable, especially during the winter months. Say goodbye to cold streams and rain seeping through your mailbox.
Easy to install- the internal letterbox drawer puller is easy to install inside your door - no messy manual work is required.
If your current mailbox does not have an exclusion draught, it is best to replace it with one that has an internal brush to prevent the inside view from outside properties.
Choose a letterbox with a draught excluder to eliminate draughts.
Heating your home is expensive enough without losing it unnecessarily through your letterbox, or worst case, cold winds still enter your home through your letterbox. The Letterbox Brush addresses this problem and will, in turn, help towards reducing your energy bills. Quick and easy to install, it mounts to the back of the door and closes the hole drilled into the disc. Exclusion brushes also help keep prying eyes away from your home.
You can modify the letterbox to eliminate draughts by installing murals or letterbox brushes. This feature keeps the sides of the mailbox moving while preventing draughts from entering the housing when the mailbox is not in use.
Some letterboxes have built-in brushes that serve two purposes. Not only does a brush prevent draughts from circulating in your home, but it also means people can't see your belongings. If the thieves can't find anything worth stealing, they would look elsewhere.
Today, many mailboxes contain brushes. The original purpose of the Letterbox Brush was to keep hot air out and cool air out, but the rows of nylon bristles also provide extra security. The brush inside the mailbox prevents thieves from seeing what is inside your house through the holes in the mailbox and not finding keys or items that can help them get into your house.